- Johan Thorsten Sellin Papers (Kislak Ms. Coll. 694)
- Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons records (1787-1883) (Kislak Ms. Coll. 741)
- Prison Reform Scrapbook (1843-1857) (Kislak Ms. Coll. 1178)
- Olof Kinberg Dossiers of Criminally-Insane Patients (Sweden, 193101938) (Kislak Ms. Coll. 955)
- Jhelum District Cases (India, 1924-1925) (Kislak Ms. Codex 1769)
- Black Panther Party research materials
- NCJRS Microfiche Collection and Crime & Juvenile Delinquency microfiche
Criminology Collection
The Penn Libraries criminology collection reflects Penn's long leadership in criminological research and criminal justice policy, and it is one of the Ivy Plus libraries' largest such collections. The collection has an exceptionally rich historic collection, built through the work of the first modern criminologist Thorstein Sellin and his protege Marvin Wolfgang. Recent collection growth has been generously supported through the Lipman Criminology Library Fund.
Collection Description
The collection is a general collection, evenly split between criminology and criminal justice administration. Historic strengths sustained today include juvenile delinquency; prisoner reformation, reclamation, and social work; sentencing. Recently-added strengths include victimology; policing best practices; and geographic analysis of crime.
Accordion List
Doing Research
For major research databases in criminology and related resources, consult the Criminology - Research Guide.