
Physical collections for nonprofit leadership are housed primarily in the Van Pelt Library. Collections for the school are primarily found within the HV section (social and public welfare) but due to the interdisciplinary nature of nonprofit leadership the collections are spread throughout the library. Areas of interest could include- HD (industries); HF (commerce); HG (finance); HN25 (social indicators); JK (political institutions and public administration); KF (law of the US); HM (social psychology).

Collection Description

The School of Social Policy and Practice was founded in 1908 with a primary focus in social work but since that time its educational mission has evolved to include other valuable service areas such as nonprofit leadership. The nonprofit leadership program focuses on leadership opportunities in nonprofits, social enterprises, international NGOS, education systems, social services agencies, art and cultural institutions, foundations, and volunteer organizations. The program has a particular emphasis on "social innovation and impact."

Special Collections

There are a number of Penn Library Special Collections that might be of interest to those who study nonprofit leadership. Some Penn collections cover histories of influential nonprofits such as the American Bankruptcy Institute Records (a nonprofit dedicated to research and legislative analysis surrounding bankruptcy issues in America); or the International Council on Women's Health Issues Records (an international nonprofit with goals to promote women's health). Nonprofit leadership scholars may also be interested in reviewing one of Biddle Law Libraries' American Law Institute special collections titled, Principles of the Law of Nonprofit Organization Records

To learn more about Penn special collections, see the Penn Libraries Special Collections page.


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