• Workshop

R Advanced: Code and Author in Markdown

Tired of jumping between R and a text editor? This workshop will get you started using R Markdown to write and export a formatted assignment or paper.

Registration is required for this workshop (online and in-person).

This event has already occurred

January 29, 2024, 3:30pm - 5:00pm
Yablon Financial Resources Lab, Room 244, Van-Pelt Dietrich Library Center
Open to Penn Students, Faculty, and Staff

Hosted by: Lippincott Library

Logo for R software


  1. Structure text
  2. Format code, visualizations, and tables for display
  3. Export a submission-ready file

Activity expectations

  • Navigate code with instructor: 50 min.
  • Solo/Group practice: 20 min.
  • Lecture: 20 min.


  • Install R and RStudio OR use Penn Libraries’ on-site computers
  • Get comfortable navigating RStudio and reading R code
  • Activate your Penn+Box account
  • Install packages in R: install.packages(c("ggplot2", "kableExtra", "rmarkdown", "stargazer"), dep = TRUE)
  • Optional: Check for and/or install a LaTeX distribution (e.g.: TinyTeX). LaTeX will let you create PDFs from R Markdown. You can participate fully without it.

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