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  • Workshop

Seeking Image Permissions for Publishing: Part III

Join Deb Stewart (Head, Penn Museum Library), and Mia D'Avanza (Assistant Director, Fisher Fine Arts Library) as they demonstrate with a few common examples and share their tips for seeking image permissions.

Registration is required for this event (priority given to graduate students).

This event has already occurred

November 10, 2023, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Graduate Student Center, 3615 Locust Walk, Third Floor (Room 304)
Open to Penn Students, Faculty, and Staff
Photograph of library stacks and study space

Support for Publishing Workshops Fall 2023

This workshop is part of a series hosted by the Libraries in collaboration with the Grad Center at Penn. Each workshop focuses on an element of the research or publishing process. From September through December, take part in in-person workshops covering citation management, impact metrics, promoting your work, selecting the right publishing venue, fair use, and more.  See the full suite of workshops to support you as you make progress toward your publishing goals. Check back to keep track of new workshops being added.

You may also want to review our Services for Authors guide