Tour of Historic Pennsylvania Hospital
Join us to tour the nation's first hospital! Offered in conjunction with the touring NLM exhibit Politics of Yellow Fever in Alexander Hamilton's America on view in the Holman Biotech Commons from February 5 to March 15. Come and explore the state of medicine in early America.
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Hosted by: Holman Biotech Commons

The Pennsylvania Hospital tour offers visitors an immersive journey through the historic Pine Building, featuring the Great Court, Historic Library, and Surgical Amphitheatre. Along the way, guests can admire portraits of esteemed physicians and Board members, as well as explore antique furniture and artifacts that bring the hospital's rich history to life.
Tour participants will meet at Pennsylvania Hospital's main entrance on 8th street, accessible by SEPTA from Penn's main campus via the 40 bus, or with additional walking, the MFL subway or 42 bus.
Registration is required.