The Museum Library is closed from 12/21/24 to 1/21/25 due to facilities projects. Patrons will not be able to request materials or scans from the Museum Library's print collections, retrieve materials from the stacks, or pick up or return books during this time. See our Service Alerts for more information.

Fifth Floor East of Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center

fifth floor plan, east end, Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center. Full description is linked below.Read description of floor plan


Description of the floor plan

On the fifth floor, at the east end, are Special Collections climate controlled secure stacks and the Kislak Center Hallway (quiet study). Staff areas include Exhibits Office, Steven Miller Conservation Laboratory, Special Collections Processing.

Sixth Floor East of Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center

sixth floor plan, Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center. Full description is linked below.Read description of floor plan

Description of the floor plan detail

The sixth floor east houses the Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts; the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies (SIMS), the Class of 1978 Orrery Pavilion, the Benjamin Rittenhouse Orrery, the Lea Library, the Goldstein Family Gallery, the Vitale II Digital Media Lab, the Furness Shakespeare Library, the Moelis Reading Terrace, The Bennett/Gershwind Terrace, Snyder Grenader Alcove, Hoesley Book Holding Room, Hikawa/Windreich Family Reception/Consultation Room, Goldman Study Room, 2010 Parents Study Room, Polan Family Study Room, Class of 1967 Franklin Corner, Adler/Lachs Family Seminar Room, Cusack Family Seminar Room, men's and women's bathrooms. Staff spaces include the Glossberg Director's Office, Class of 1978 Curator's Office, Class of 1982 Curator's Office.

Location and Accessibility


The accessible entrance of Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center opens into the Goldstein Undergraduate Study Center. This entrance is on the ground floor of the building facing Blanche P. Levy Park and College Hall. A wheelchair accessible doorbell is located on the railing leading toward the door.

Additional Information

Accessible Entrance

Accessible entrance on the ground floor. A brick walk leads from the north side of Levy Park to the accessible door. At the end of the walk are 2 doors. The accessible door is on the right.

Directions to the accessible entrance:   Word   |   PDF

Staff Information

Resources for Staff Committees