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MS Codex 1620
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Hastarekhā, circa 1700-1850; हस्तरेखा,१७००-१८५०
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Eadweard Muybridge Animal Locomotion plate 632
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Shakespeare's First Folio
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Marian Anderson in Schoolroom with child
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Rāg darshan detail, Treatise on the modes of Indian music, based on the fifth chapter of Mirza Khan's Tuḥfat al-hind.
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Joanna Novel
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Ex Votos
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Class Visits to the Kislak Center 

Instructors are invited to bring their classes to the Kislak Center for a one-time visit or a series of visits over the course of the semester. These visits typically occur on weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., but accommodations are made for evening classes or special events. 

  • We ask that instructors inquire about a class visit at least one month before the proposed visit. 
  • To schedule your visit, please email us at
  • The size of our classroom spaces varies and can limit the number of students who can visit at one time. 
  • Once the visit has been scheduled, a curator will work with an instructor to select materials and help them make requests through their Aeon research account.

Semester-Long Courses 

Instructors who wish to build a semester-long seminar with special collections at the core of their class design are invited teach their class in a Kislak Center seminar room. To discuss the role of special collections in a semester-long course, or a course focused on archival research, please email us at 

Classroom Protocols for Teaching with Special Collection 

When collections are present, all classrooms must follow special collections practices. All materials are subject to curatorial approval and may have restrictions. Curators will determine the handling protocols for the materials, and a Kislak Center staff member may stay in the classroom while collections are being used.  

Instructors must notify students of the following:

  • No food or drink is allowed in the room when collections are present.
  • Bags must be left along the sides of the classroom.
  • Students are asked to arrive with clean hands. 
  • Students must use pencils, not pens, to take notes. 
  • Photographs are permitted without flash.

Student Follow-up Visits to the Reading Room

  • Students are encouraged to continue their study of special collections for class projects in the Charles K. MacDonald Reading Room, and may do so by making an appointment with their Research Account.
  • When students arrive at the Reading Room, a staff member will be available to answer questions and guide them in using the collections and following reading room practices.
  • Teachers may meet with students about special collections materials in our small study rooms located in the Reading Room. Please consult with Sarah Heim, Public Services Librarian, to make advance arrangements.

Staff Information

Resources for Staff Committees