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Fisher Fine Arts Library Computing and Printing Area

Image of FisherComputing.jpg

The computing and printing area on the library’s first floor has desktop computers that anyone with Penn credentials may log on to. In order to print in black and white or color, you will need to transfer funds to your PennCash account. The area also has flatbed scanners and an overhead scanner.

Where to print, copy, scan


Accordion List


  • Computer work station
  • Printers
  • Scanners

No food is allowed in the Fisher Fine Arts Library. Beverages in covered containers are allowed.

Location and Accessibility


For Wheelchairs

  • Sufficient doorway & hallway clearance
  • Automatic doors or no doors
  • Clearance to approach table
  • Table with accessible surface height, knee clearance, and leg clearance

Nearby Bathrooms

The accessible bathrooms are on the Lower Level.

  • Exit through the turnstile. Turn left to the elevator and take the elevator to the Lower Level.  
    1st floor plan showing the elevator
  • On the Lower Level, from the elevator, turn right to the bathrooms. For the women's room, turn right again around the water fountain. 
    Lower Level floor plan

Accessible Entrance

Fisher accessible entrance

Directions to the accessible entrance:   Word   |   PDF