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Author: Cosette Bruhns Alonso

Contemporary Publishing Fellow

Cosette spearheads a pilot collaboration between RDDS and the UPenn Press to design and develop digital publications that advance scholarly ideas through multimodal and interactive digital enhancements. She consults on digital publication paths and facilitates new forms of scholarly communication across campus.

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Cosette Bruhns Alonso


The International Journal for Water, Equity and Justice (IJWEJ), an open access, digital publication of The Water Center at Penn and the Global Water Alliance (GWA), recently relaunched with a new scope, name, and digital platform, with the support of the Penn Libraries. With sustainability as a core concern the journal has just navigated an initial cycle of publication on a new digital platform.

The cover image for Volume 10 of the International Journal for Water Equity and Justice shows abstract images, some of which resemble water.