Access to the College Green area of campus will be restricted until further notice. Current students, faculty, and staff with a valid Penn card, as well as Alumni Weekend attendees with name badges, may enter and exit Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center through the Rosengarten Undergraduate Study Center on the ground floor, and may enter and exit the Fisher Fine Arts Library through the 34th Street entrance to Meyerson Hall. See our Service Alerts for details.


Charter, Dropsie College.

Abraham A. Neuman Papers

This collection documents the public and professional life of Abraham Neuman (1890-1970) and his presidency of Dropsie College.

A photograph of three ancient Egyptian objects in an exhibition case (from left to right): statue of an Egyptian god, statue of an owl, and statue of an Egyptian goddess)

Aegyptus Electreus

This digital collection contains pdf documents of excavation reports, philological works and museum catalogs from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

The first page of the comic book biography of Mabel K. Staupers, published in Negro Heroes, no. 2 (summer issue), 1948

African American Literature (General Collections)

The Library collects contemporary works by African-American authors in all formats and genres, including genre fiction (science fiction, fantasy, detective novels, thrillers, etc.), novels, play scripts, comic books and graphic novels. Musical recordings, television shows, feature films, and documentaries by and featuring African Americans are also well represented.

Afrofuturism: The World of Black Sci-Fi and Fantasy Culture


One of the most popular and actively researched sub-genres today is Afrofuturism, and our collection is strong and growing.

Handwritten sheet music.

American Musicological Society Records

The American Musicological Society's purpose is to advance scholarship in the various fields of music through research, learning, and teaching. They were founded in 1943, reflecting trends in musicological scholarship and academic training through the course of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Penn holds the administrative records, oral history documentation, journal production records, and more.

A sketch of poet Walt Whitman, from the collection of American Poetry Reivew

American Poetry Review Records

Founded in 1972 and still in publication, The American Poetry Review publishes contemporary poetry and literary prose.

Portrait of Theodore Dreiser, 1900.

American Studies, History, and Literature: Modern Period

Beginning in 1945 with the acquisition of the Theodore Dreiser Papers, the Penn Libraries has maintained collecting strengths in modern American manuscripts. Recent acquisitions including the Gotham Book Mart Collection, have added depth and breadth. This page provides an overview of major collections of interest to students and scholars in American studies.