The main entrance to the Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center is now open. Van Pelt Library and the Fisher Fine Arts Library are currently open to Penn Card holders, Penn affiliates, and certain visitors. See our Service Alerts for details.

GISday banner with text "Visualizing Space With ArcGIS/ArcMap & QGIS"

The Data Jam theme during week 5 was on Visualizing Space. The week was also when a GIS Day event is celebrated internationally. Penn Libraries celebrates the annual GIS Day event by hosting a diverse group of GIS related activities on campus.

One of the activities was a workshop on Visualizing Space with ArcGIS/QGIS. The workshop explored the various components of the ESRI's ArcMap and the free and open source QGIS interface and tools, creating a new map, adding data layers, changing layer symbol and display properties, setting layer symbol, creating map layouts with legends, titles, north arrows, and other map elements.

Lessons Covered

  • Spatial data models, file formats, and coordinate reference systems
  • Explore the various components of ArcGIS/ArcMap & QGIS interfaces, tools, extensions and plugins
  • Adding data layers and base map
  • Changing layer symbol and display properties
  • Creating map print layouts with legend, title, and scale
  • Exporting maps
  • Opening delimited text files (csv) and EXCEL Sheets
  • Opening delimited text files (csv) and EXCEL Sheets containing coordinate data
  • Joining two tables
  • Running geo-processing tools

See the workshop slides containing the main outlines and links to further resources and watch the recording.