RPenn Group Roundup Fall 2023
Roundup of the Fall 2023 semester sessions of RPenn Group.

What worked?
R Libguide: guides.library.upenn.edu/rpg
Text and Data Mining with R: guides.library.upenn.edu/penntdm/r
View Recordings: guides.library.upenn.edu/rpg/rpgrec
6 Speakers:
- Hannah Shoenhard shared how you can visualize using GGPlot
- Greg Ridgeway shared how you can incorporate GPT to R.
- Q&A on LexisNexis' Nexis Uni with Julia Cope
- Developing Publication Quality Figures with Patchwork on R by Lev Litichevskiy
- Making posters with R using posterdown by Jinyi Kuang

What can be improved?
Attendance Stats: With a maximum of 7 people attending in a session, and sometimes just 3, outreach, days of the week, or timings can be revised.
For Future sessions:
- RPG could be made truly hybrid, since we are recording the sessions via Zoom anyway.
- Libcal details:
- What is RPenn Group? Join us for a productive co-working session where you can dream up mini projects, brush up on statistical skills, collaborate with the campus-wide R community, or just hang out with other folks who are into R & data science!
- Where is it held? RPG is by the Research Data & Digital Scholarship team at the Penn Libraries at Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center 1st floor, RDDSX.
- Where can I find more? guides.library.upenn.edu/rpg
- How can I present my project / favorite package or rant about R? tinyurl.com/rpenngroupform
- We welcome mask wearing in the close quarters of the room. Thank you for your consideration.
- Room Description: The RDDSX encourages in-person activity, brainstorming, and co-working.
- Software: We will be working with RStudio.
- Duration: 60 minutes
- Additional Training Materials: R Guide
Related Classes at UPenn:
PPE 4000 | Research in PPE: Research Transparency, Reproducibility and Basic Data Analysis |
STAT 4050 | Statistical Computing with R |
STAT 7050 | Statistical Computing with R |
BDS 5550 | Groups and Networks |
BEPP 8930 | Business Economics Analysis w/Data for Non-Coders |
BIOL 4511 | Biological Data Analysis |
BIOL 5511 | Biological Data Analysis |
CIS 5450 | Big Data Analytics |
CPLN 5050 | Planning by Numbers |
CPLN 7900 | MUSA/Smart Cities Practicum |
DATA 1010 | Introduction to Data Analytics |
DATA 2100 | Intermediate Data Analytics |
DATA 3100 | Introduction to Statistical Methods |
DATA 4010 | Advanced Data Analytics |
ECON 2310 | Econometric Methods and Models |
EPID 6250 | Advanced Biostatistical Methods for Multivariable Prediction Models |
ESE 5410 | Machine Learning for Data Science |
GAFL 6400 | Program Evaluations and Data Analysis |
MKTG 9400 | Measurement and Data Analysis in Marketing - Part A |
MKTG 9410 | Measurement and Data Analysis in Marketing - Part B |
MUSA 8010 | MUSA/Smart Cities Practicum |
OIDD 2450 | Analytics and the Digital Economy |
PSCI 1800 | Introduction to Data Science |
PSCI 1801 | Statistical Methods PSCI |
PSCI 6801 | Statistical Analysis for Political Science II |
PSYC 4463 | Research Experience Course in Clinical Psychological Data Analysis |
STAT 4020 | Communicating Quantitative Analyses: A Capstone Course |
STAT 4100 | Data Collection and Acquisition: Strategies and Platforms |
STAT 4220 | Predictive Analytics for Business |
STAT 4420 | Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis |
STAT 4700 | Data Analytics and Statistical Computing |
STAT 4710 | Modern Data Mining |
STAT 5030 | Data Analytics and Statistical Computing |
STAT 5710 | Modern Data Mining |
STAT 7010 | Modern Data Mining |
STAT 7100 | Data Collection and Acquisition: Strategies and Platforms |
STAT 7220 | Predictive Analytics for Business |
STAT 7700 | Data Analytics and Statistical Computing |
URBS 4300 | Quantitative Methods and Tools for Urban Research |
December 4, 2023