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Class of 1963 Group Study Suite Rooms 101.8 - 101.10

Wall mounted computer monitor and rectangular table with six seats in the study suite.

Accordion List

  • 4 (each room)

  • Chalkboard
  • Flat-screen monitor
  • Video recording system

Location and Accessibility


For Wheelchairs

  • Sufficient doorway & hallway clearance
  • Clearance to approach table


  • Natural and/or non-fluorescent light

Nearby Bathrooms

The ground floor bathrooms are being renovated. Nearest accessible bathrooms are on the 2nd floor east (see floor plan).

Gender-neutral, accessible bathrooms are located on the third, fourth, and fifth floors east. They are in the elevator/stair block on the west side (see all Van Pelt-Dietrich floor plans).

Accessible Entrance

Accessible entrance on the ground floor. A brick walk leads from the north side of Levy Park to the accessible door. At the end of the walk are 2 doors. The accessible door is on the right.

Directions to the accessible entrance:   Word   |   PDF