- Arnold and Deanne Kaplan Collection of Early American Judaica
- Bechstein Germanic Library
- Evans Bible Collection
- Fez Lithographs Collection
- Henry Charles Lea Library
- Holy Land Collections
- Incunable Collection
- Indo-Caribbean Collection
- Italian family papers, 1200s-1900s
- Lawrence J. Schoenberg Collection
- Library at the Katz CAJS Archival Collections and Finding Aids
- Mary Binney Wheeler Image Collection
- Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts (Kislak Center)
- Monasticism
- Ross Bible Collection
- Seybert Collections on Modern Spiritualism
- Short Title Catalogue (STC) Collection of early English printed books to 1640
- South Asian Manuscript Collection
- Sydney S. Keil Collection
- The Weigle JANES Collection
- Thomas G. Waldman collection of books on medieval history