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Dalit Literature Collection

The Penn Libraries' South Asia Collection platforms writings of Dalit voices and experiences in an effort to bring more awareness to issues of caste oppression. In collecting literature by and about Dalit lives, we aim to support positive social change.

Collage of covers of Dalit books.

Collection Overview

With Hindutva nationalism on the rise in India, awareness of caste oppression and the advancement of Dalit equality remain vitally important. Building a collection of Dalit writings at the Penn Libraries contributes to that mission by supporting the research and learning of our community. In featuring caste diversity, we aspire to broaden understanding of Dalit identity and influence positive social change.

The Dalit literature collection features a number of genres, authors, themes, and formats in works largely held in the Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center and the off-site storage facility, LIBRA. Patrons may explore our holdings by searching the catalog using relevant keywords or by browsing titles with specific subject headings, such as “Indic literature—Dalit authors” or “Dalits in literature.” The following overview with linked resources may also serve as a productive starting point for delving into the available literature.

The beginnings of Dalit literature originated with works by non-Dalit writers such as Mulk Raj AnandThakazhi Sivasankara PillaiMunshi Premchand, and U.R. Ananthamurthy, who offered harsh critique of the status quo in 20th-century India. In the late 1960s, however, Dalit writers themselves began to chronicle their own experiences, particularly in the state of Maharashtra. The influence of earlier political reformers Jotirao Phule and B.R. Ambedkar, along with the rise of the revolutionary Dalit Panther movement in the region, fueled literatures of protest, struggle, and resistance.

With Maharasthra as its locus of origins, early Dalit literature was largely composed in Marathi. Baburao Bagul’s fictional writing presented graphic accounts of the lives of the marginalized and downtrodden, causing a stir amongst Indian literati. Namdeo Dhasal, one of the founders of the Dalit Panthers, composed numerous collections of poetry that shocked middle-class moralities with imagery of blood and fire as well as extensive use of obscenities.

Autobiography also became an especially popular genre of Dalit literature; the memoirs of Baby Kamble (Jina Amuca, translated into English as The Prisons We Broke) and Urmila Pawar (Aidan, translated into English as The Weave of My Life) provided first-hand descriptions of the daily lives of Dalit women, exposing the ways in which caste and gender discrimination oppress them.

In the late 1980s and into the 1990s, Dalit literature began to expand more significantly into other South Asian languages. Life writing continued as a popular form of Dalit expression, demonstrated by Bama’s Tamil autobiographical novel Karukku about life as a Dalit Christian woman, as well as by Kausalya Baisantry’s Dohra Abhisap, the first autobiography of a Dalit woman published in Hindi.

Poetry also continued as an especially vibrant means of revealing Dalit experience and identity. Mudnakudu Chinnaswamy’s Kannada collections, Raghavan Atholi’s compositions in Malayalam, and Sukirtharani’s Tamil writings have all dramatically impacted both the literary and political spheres. 

Apart from a few scattered examples—such as two collections of English translations from Marathi, Poisoned Bread and A Corpse in the Well—Dalit literatures were largely limited to regional, native-speaking audiences before the 2000s. In recent years, however, an explosion of English translations has broadened the reach of Dalit writing throughout South Asia and beyond. The popularity of works such as Gail Omvedt’s translation from Marathi of Vasant Moon’s Growing Up Untouchable in India; Arun Prabha Mukherjee’s translation of Omprakash Valmiki’s Joothan; and Narendra Jadhav’s own rendering of his Marathi work into the English version Untouchables has helped raise awareness of caste struggle across the world. Additionally, substantial anthologies of translations, such as No Alphabet in Sight and Oxford anthologies of Dalit writing in MalayalamTamil, and Telugu, are providing ever increasing access to previously unheard voices. 

Accordion List

Books by these authors are housed in the Van Pelt Library stacks and at LIBRA. A number of related films are linked here as well, and these can be found in the Van Pelt Video Collection and at LIBRA.


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